
April 1, 2007, 6:12 pm
Filed under: Beauty, Blogs I read, Shopping, Uncategorized

Found out about the new makeup online store Pashion on bjooti, so I checked it out. Looks very interesteing.  I can highly recommend Wet n’ wild’s eyeshadow trio, I got the belgian chocolates trio at Rite Aid for two or three bucks and it’s sooo good. Try it!


Dear readers, I hope you all are enjoying the holidays with your friends and family.

I also hope you guys got a bunch of great gifts from your loved ones, and I think it would be fun/interesting to see what all of you got for christmas/hanukkah/kwanzaa/etc etc. A pair of jeans? A really cute bracelet or a designer handbag? Email your name (and your blog URL), some pics and a description of your favorite gift(s) to and I will put them on my blog ASAP.

Deadline: New years eve

Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!

